农产品物流的现状及对策研究_论文 关键词:国内外;农产品;物流;现状;对策 [gap=991]Key words: At home and abroad;Agricultural products;Logistics;The status quo;Countermeasures
海内外 ? At home and abroad 你终究成了我心底一道不可触碰的伤疤 ,我知道会变淡,但是它将永远存在,记录你我曾相爱。
... at hand在握头,在近处 at home and abroad国表里 at home在家里 ...
...y, province, city etc); within the borders 境内外 within and without the borders; domestic and foreign; home and abroad 局部语境 local context ..
国内外 ; 在海内外 ; 在国表里
国内外 ; 在国内外