释义 |
1 [核]?空气壁 air wall ==> 空气壁 air washer ==> 空气洗涤器,净气器,净气器,净气装置,净气装置,淋水系统 ..
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They simply sense changes in their environment, as for example when the mound's wall has been damaged, altering the circulation of air. 它们只是简单地感觉到它们所处环境的变化,例如,当土堆的壁被破坏时,会改变空气的循环。 - 2
There the air absorbs more moisture, which then condenses on a metal wall cooled by seawater, and thus distilled water for irrigating the plants collects. 在那里,空气吸收了更多的水分,然后将水分凝结在由海水冷却的金属壁上,从而收集用于灌溉植物的蒸馏水。 - 3
This heated air, drawn down from the roof, then mixes with the greenhouse air as it reaches a second sea-water-moistened cardboard wall at the back of the greenhouse. 从屋顶吸出的这种热空气,在到达温室后部第二个被海水润湿的纸板壁时,便与温室空气混合。