abbr. 顶级域名(top-level domains)
...Internet 最早的三个顶级域名(gTLDs)是 .com, .
...sGeneralAccount- ingOffice,称GAO)开展的研究就表明:域名注册信息“明显错误”或不完整现象,在排名前三位的通用顶级域(gTLDs) 即.org、.
net”是最初的三个通用顶级域名(gTLDs, generica top level domains),2008年也出现了较大幅度的增长。
?顶级域名(Generic Top Level Domains)
中国驰名商标及其扩展保护 --驰名商标法律研究 实际上是遵从美国的说法,而与我国目前(2004年以来)的规定不尽一致。有美国学者指出,在美国存在着7个顶级域名(Generic Top-Level Domains, GTLDs),其中的和只属于美国,其余的5个、、、、为万维网(World Wide Web)上通用的。See H
新顶级域名 ; 新类别顶级域名 ; 新后缀 ; 新通用顶级域名
Icann had previously said it would announce who had applied for which of the gTLDs on 30 April.
BBC: Glitch delays Icann's net suffix deadline
New gTLDs are a unique opportunity to refresh Internet naming for all end-users.
FORBES: Cybersquatters Get Rich New Territories With Generic Domains
Donuts looks forward to reasoned, fact-based discussions of the impact of new gTLDs, and of its own contributions to this program.