释义 |
1 ?完全性失语 (4)完全性失语(global aphasia):病变累及言语-优势半球的侧裂周围区时,起初病人可呈缄默,后来恢复到有相当的词语表达时,才被认为失语。 2 ?完全失语症 ... gliosis 神经胶质变性 global aphasia 完全失语症 global convergence 全局收敛 ...
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The results showed that the recovery extent of aphasia was in due order: subcortical, motor, sensory and global aphasia. 结果表明失语症恢复程度的次序为皮质下失语症、运动性失语症、感觉性失语症和完全性失语症。 - 2
Relation between cortical lesions and aphasia revealed by DWI: 3 patients with global aphasia appeared posterior-temporal lesion, 2 ones appeared anterior-frontal and inferior parietal lesion. 磁共振弥散加权像所示皮质病灶部位与失语类型的关系:3例完全性失语患者均出现了颞叶后部的损害,2例出现了额叶前部和顶叶下部的病灶。 - 3
CONCLUSION: Patients with Chinese conduction aphasia have difficulties in the cohesion of sentences, but they are not affected in global coherence. 结论:汉语传导性失语症患者在句子的衔接上有障碍,但在宏观连贯上并未受损。