The secretion expressionvector of fusion gene in E. coli has constructed by fussing the proinsulin gene to the gene of staphylococcal protein a.
Results The full-length coding sequence of IDO was cloned from activated human leukocytes and the expressionvector for IDO-EGFP fusion protein was constructed.
结果从活化的人白细胞中克隆到IDO基因编码区全长,并构建了IDO EGFP融合蛋白表达载体。
Conclusion the prokaryotic expressionvector of 8r-muc1 core peptide fusion protein has been constructed, and the fusion protein with biological activity has been successfully expressed and purified.
结论:构建了8r - MU C1核心肽融合蛋白原核表达载体并成功表达与纯化出具有生物学活性的融合蛋白。