释义 |
1 ?人体弹性 ... 人体工程 human engineering 人体弹性 human body flexibility 人体形式美 formal beauty of body, beauty of body form ...
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Correct mattess should be tactility softness, tall flexibility, curve of physiology of tenability human body and permeability is good. 正确的床垫应该是触感柔软,高弹性,可维持人体生理曲线并且透气性好。 - 2
Therefore, playing diabolo can improve the flexibility of human body and defer senescence. - 3
By the way, training time as far as possible in the afternoon to evening hours, because the human body at this time of physical strength and flexibility are at the best. 对了,训练时间尽量安排在下午至傍晚时段,因为人体在此时段体力和柔韧性都处最佳状态。