1944年哈佛大学的马克一号(Harvard Mark I),一台大规模机电式计算机,支持有限可编程; 1946年2月,基于二进制的“ENIAC”,全名为“电子数值积分计算器”,在美国宾夕法...
In 1944, when I was 13, I read about the HarvardMark 1 computer in a magazine, and I knew then that computers was what I wanted to do.
1944年,才13岁的我从一本杂志上读到了一篇介绍Harvard Mark 1型计算机的文章,从那以后,我就立志投身于电脑行业。
When the time neared to dedicate the MarkI, in August 1944, the Harvard News Office put out a press release giving all the credit for the machine to Aiken.