...一些通过借债调整资本结构的公司有时会发行次级债券(junior bonds),如多媒体(Multimedia)公司和哈特—汉克斯(Harte-Hanks)公司。这两家公司的次级债券在5年内都是零息债券,不过在5年后可以转化为年息16%的有息债券。
Harte-Hanks has some competitors in the high-tech field, including Japan's Softbank Holdings Inc. and Boston-based SalesLink Corp.
FORBES: The unsentimental publisher
When profits are at stake, there's no room for sentiment at Harte- Hanks.
In the hospital and near death in 1972, Houston Harte, the crusty west Texas newspaperman who founded what would become Harte-Hanks, Inc.