n. 轩尼诗(品牌名)
n. 吊带;马具(harness的复数形式) | v....
... 所属州: KY 名字: Hennessee 姓: M ...
颐和黄金研究中间郭忠良美国市场察看网站(马克et Watch)报导:对冲基金咨询公司亨尼西(Hennessee)集团周一发布的陈诉显示:美国对冲基金行业业绩今年上半年迎来了第4个最坏的时期,很少有基金经理从规范普尔500市场上获利,该行...
咨询公司轩尼诗集团 ; 西集团 ; 斯集团
The sunny responses to the survey, which was undertaken by Hennessee, could simply be the result of lowered expectations.
FORBES: Hedge Fund Clients: A Loyal Group
Looking forward, managers told Hennessee Group that stocks look cheap relative to expected earnings and interest rates.
FORBES: It's Official: Hedge Funds Had Their Worst Year Since 2008
"There's a lot of talk about people not being happy" with hedge funds, says Charles Gradante of Hennessee Group.