英国有一种罕见的食肉鸟——Hen Harrier(白尾鹞),由于这种鸟经常骚扰民众和捕食家禽而屡遭猎杀。
灰泽e??-(Hen Harrier)逆光原
濒临绝种的白尾鹞 hen harrier 美国濒临绝种动物 don't say goodbye; national geographic 100 years vo71 ..
The male hen harrier is famous for its spectacular looping "sky-dance", part of an elaborate mating ritual.
BBC: Walkers urged to spot hen harriers
The RSPB lists hen harrier as a red status species, meaning it is threatened and populations have suffered severe declines in numbers.
BBC: Hen harrier sightings sought in Cairngorms
The Cairngorms National Park Authority hopes to follow up sightings from the public by tracking down hen harrier nests and satellite tagging chicks.