释义 |
- 转让工具:指用于转让财产权益的法律文件或合同,用于将财产所有权从一方转移到另一方。
1 ?股转文书 ... 股权证明(Share Certificate) 股转文书(Instrument of Transfer) 公司钢印和图章(Company seal and chop) ...
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A written instrument given as evidence of agreement, transfer, or contract; a deed. 契据,证书作为合约、转让或合同的证明的书面文书;契约。 - 2
In chapter four, describes the bus management, and discussed the implementation of data transfer, flow control and error control in the network-stye instrument bus. 第四章讨论总线管理,阐述了数据传输、流量控制和差错控制在网络式仪器总线中的实现。 - 3
"Delivery", with respect to an instrument, document of title, or chattel paper, means voluntary transfer of possession. 涉及票据、所有权凭证或动产契据时,“交付”指自愿转移占有。