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1 ?玻璃岩 ... 玻璃质 glassy material 玻璃岩 glassy rock 芒硝 Glauber's salt ...
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By glassy, the eruption cloud that coarse rock particle forms jams not only engine, still can wear away windshield, attaint plane navigation and communication system. 由玻璃质的、粗糙的岩石微粒构成的火山灰云不仅堵塞发动机,还会磨损挡风玻璃,损坏飞机导航与通讯系统。 - 2
A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance. 一种硬的、致密的、黑色的火山岩。它主要由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成,外表经常很光滑。 - 3
This glassy one is found in volcanic rock. In fact, I found it in New Mexico on a collecting trip. 这个像玻璃一样的矿石是在火山石里面发现的,实际上,我是在新墨西哥州收集旅行中发现的。