释义 |
1 ?生气时瞪着眼睛 [glaring eyes;fierce stare] 生气时瞪着眼睛;也指生气时瞪着的眼睛 [gnash the teeth with angry looks] 愤怒得瞪大眼睛,咬紧牙齿作憎恨状 . 2 ?也指生气时瞪着的眼睛 [glaring eyes;fierce stare] 生气时瞪着眼睛;也指生气时瞪着的眼睛 [gnash the teeth with angry looks] 愤怒得瞪大眼睛,咬紧牙齿作憎恨状 ..
- 1
His glaring eyes are looking straight upward. - 2
He lay on his back, with his teeth set, his right hand clenched on his breast, and his glaring eyes looking straight upward. 他右手捂着胸口躺在地上,咬紧牙关,圆睁着双眼望着头顶。 - 3
Scarcely had he disappeared in the mist, before, panting after him, with open mouth and glaring eyes, there darted a huge beast. 他刚在雾气中消失了,在此之前,在他之后喘着气,张开嘴和眼睛刺目,有投了巨大的野兽。