... apparent net transfer rate 表观纯转化率; 明显纯转化率 growth rate of net profit纯利增长率 net assimilation rate 净同化率 ...
Early return on equity target in most of the 10% average annual growthrateofnetprofit in more than 10%-25%.
早期的股权回报率目标的10%,最有超过10% - 25%的平均净利润年均增长率。
Enterprise growth management contains five key elements : objective growthrate, net interest rate in sale, property rate of turnover, rights multiple and subsist - profit ratio.
增长管理的基本要素有:目标增长率、销售净利率、 资产周转率、权益乘数与留存收益比率。
Bulletin, the first three quarters of the company netprofitgrowthrate over the same period in between 50%-100%.