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grouting 英/ ?ɡra?t?? / 美/ ?ɡra?t?? / - n.[建][水利]灌浆
- v.给……灌浆;翻掘(grout 的 ing 形式)
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土木建筑工程 注浆 Application of clay-solidified grouting curtain on anti-seepaging engineering in MSW landfill. 粘土固化注浆帷幕在填埋场防渗工程中的应用情况。 灌浆 The quality of drillhole influences the quality of grouting of soil nail and tieback. This further influences the reinforcement effect of slope. 钻孔的成孔质量决定了土钉、锚杆的灌浆体质量,从而影响了边坡加固的效果。 后压浆 Various types of post-grouting technology are widely used in many parts of our country. 因而,在国内很多地区,各种后压浆技术得到了广泛应用。
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交通运输工程 注浆 The procedure includes preparing, boring, setting pipes, manufacturing serous fluid and grouting etc. 施工工艺包括施工准备、钻孔、打小导管、浆液的制作和注浆几部分。 灌浆 Once the grouting technique being applied, diameter and length of pile can be decreased. 采用桩端压力灌浆技术,可以减小桩径、缩短桩长,将桩端位于卵石层或减少卵石层中工作量,从而降低施工难度,减少工程投入。
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能源科学技术 锚注加固 On the basis of the achievement of bolting and bolting-grouting, mechanism, stuff, parameter selection, numerical simulation of drilling, anchoring and grouting and underground test is introduced. 在已有锚杆支护和锚注支护研究成果的基础上,介绍了钻锚注支护机理、钻锚注材料、钻锚注支护参数的确定、钻锚注加固数值模拟研究和井下试验。 注充 灌浆 注浆
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The test results indicate that the compaction of soil from twice pressure groutings can raise the ultimate uplift capacity of micropiles obviously and reduce the displacement effectively. 试验结果表明采用二次注浆工艺能显著提高微型桩抗拔极限承载力,有效地减小抗拔桩位移;