释义 |
1 ?种群特异性抗原 ... medicines,specific 释义:特效药 group specific antigen 释义:种群特异性抗原,种群专效抗原,群特异性抗原 organ specific antibody 释义:器官特异性抗体 ... 2 ?组特异性抗原 一般分为三个编码区:gag区编码大的结构蛋白,组成核衣壳,属组特异性抗原(group specific antigen,gag);pol区编码逆转录酶和前病毒整合酶; env区编码襄膜糖蛋白,具病毒种特异性有一些逆转病毒只含上三... 3 ?群专一性抗原 逆转座子含有内部编码区,编码与逆转录病毒的种群专一性抗原(group specific antigen, gag)和多蛋白(pol: polyprotein)相类似的蛋白质〔4)。 4 ?即群抗原基因 ...室 - docin.com豆丁网 链RNA 2个长末端重复(long terminal repeats, LTR) 3个结构蛋白基因,即群抗原基因(group specific antigen, gag) 编码内膜蛋白和核心蛋 P15,P18,P2 多聚酶基因(polymerase,pol) 编码逆录酶..
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There were lymphoid leukosis virus and group specific antigen in the follicles with BA dying which was highest in content from the 3rd to 4th month of PI. BA法染色表明法氏囊一直存有病毒和群特异性抗原,以接毒后3~4个月含量最高。 - 2
Results the RBC blood group antibody can be stably coated on the surface of the slide modified by silicic-acid, and it can be combined with its specific antigen RBC. 结果抗红细胞血型抗体可以牢固的结合在硅酸修饰过的玻片上,并且可以与其对应的红细胞抗原进行免疫学反应。 - 3
RESULTS: In comparison with control group, the DTH and antigen specific lymphocyte proliferation reaction in oral tolerance group were suppressed significantly; 结果:与对照组相比较,口服耐受组大鼠DTH和抗原特异性淋巴细胞增殖反应明显受抑制;