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1 ?团体社会化 新成员融入既有的 团体之过程称为「团体社会化(group socialization),而团体社会化基本上涵盖 著许多阶段:包括探索、社会化、维持,和继续社会化或是新社会化等。
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A few years after the first edition of the Nurture Assumption was published, I realized that the theory proposed in that book, Group Socialization theory, was incomplete. 在《教育设想》第一版发表几年后,我意识到书中所写到的一个理论——团体社会化理论还不完善。 - 2
Group Socialization Theory doesn't explain, for example, why identical twins have different personalities, even if they're reared in the same home and belong to the same peer group. 例如,团体社会化理论并不能解释为什么同卵双胞胎会有不同的个性,即使他们是在同一个家庭中长大并属于同一个同龄群体。 - 3
Customer socialization strategies include three types, i. e. , task socialization, group socialization and organizational socialization, which focus on different goals and contents respectively. 保险业顾客社会化策略包括任务社会化、群体社会化和组织社会化三种类型,它们分别关注于不同的社会化目标和内容。