释义 |
1 ?集团销售公司 ... group sales company 集团销售公司 Group?company 集团公司 Mixed Group-Company 混合型集团公司 ...
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For example, one department might be working on the accounting application for a company, while another group is working on a sales lead tracking application. 例如,一个部门正在为一家公司开发会计应用程序,而另一个小组正在开发销售趋势跟踪应用程序。 - 2
For example, one department may be working on the accounting application for a company, while another group is working on a sales lead tracking application. 例如,某个部门可能正在为公司开发财务应用程序,而另一个小组则在开发潜在客户跟踪应用程序。 - 3
Still, Walmart will probably struggle with same-store sales growth as long as the recession continues to hurt low-income shoppers, the company 's bread and butter consumer group. 尽管如此,只要经济衰退继续影响在沃尔玛购买廉价黄油和面包的低收入人群,沃尔玛也许就得继续为同店销售增长率而奋斗。