释义 |
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Although the easier ionization of radon leads one to expect the most extensive chemistry for that element, the high instability of even the most stable isotope has severely limited studies of it. 氡容易离子化,这让人期望,该元素有最广泛的化学反应,但是,这个元素最稳定的同位素也极不稳定,这使氡的研究受到了严重的约束。 - 2
An isotope of carbon known as carbon-14 would also be stable, as would a form of oxygen, so the organic reactions necessary for life would be possible. 碳的一个同位素碳14也是稳定的,氧的情形也是这样,因此生命必须的有机反应成为可能。 - 3
The highest known magic number for neutrons alone is 126. Lead, with 82 protons and 126 neutrons, is thus "doubly magic" and the heaviest stable isotope in the periodic table. 目前已知的最大中子数是126,82个质子和126个中子组成了元素周期表中最重最稳定的同位素。