等温过程(Isotherm process) 0 d T T 常数 0 d E V p W Q T d d d 性质: 1 p T Ⅰ Ⅱ 2 p 2 V O V p 1 V T 热功转换: 动画: 等温...
It has been proved that the process of coal and gas outbursts is not an adiabatic process accepted by most researchers but a polytropic process that is nearly an isothermprocess.
A thinner isotherm allows faster turnover of warmer waters from below, which speeds ice-melt. The process is self-perpetuating: as ice melts, the ocean absorbs more heat and melts more ice, and so on.
The adsorption rate of cyanide on D296R alkaline anion exchange resin was measured, the adsorption isotherm drawn and the thermodynamic function of the adsorption process deduced.