释义 |
1 ?垫高枕头安心睡觉 [ high vacuum ] 指压力在1×10-3到1×15-6毫米汞柱范围内的真空 [ high pillow ] 垫高枕头安心睡觉,形容无所忧虑 [ sit back and relax;sleep in peace without any anxiety ] 平安无事,无所顾虑,也形容缺乏警觉性 ..
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Must be high pillow to sleep: Tips weak heart function. - 2
This applies to household products display, high pillow hotels, large exhibition room, offices, study, sanitation, such as the model. 本产品适用于家居陈列、高档酒店、大型展示厅、办公室、书房、卫浴间、样板房等。 - 3
When the baby grow to 3 to 4 months, the beginning of the forward bending of the spine and neck, then go to bed when one centimeters high pillow pillow . 当婴儿长到3~4个月,颈部脊柱开始向前弯曲,这时睡觉时可枕一厘米高的枕头。