释义 |
1 ?不用马拉的车子 回想人类交通工具从马车向汽车的过渡,你会注意到,汽车最初被称为“不用马拉的车子(horseless carriages)”——这是按照它们没有什么来定义的,而“无人驾驶汽车”也是如此,这一名称反映了我们从汽车中去除了什么。
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We began to have electric lights, and telephones, and to see horseless carriages, but our attitude was a mixture of wonder, fear, and doubt. 我们开始拥有了电灯,电话,不用马拉的车,但是我们是疑虑、害怕和怀疑的混合体。 - 2
Of course, there was no stopping the automotive breakthrough, and it wasn't long before people were trading their old gray mares for horseless carriages. 当然,汽车工业的突飞猛进无可阻挡,没过多久,人们就开始用自己的灰色母马交换不使用马匹的车辆了。 - 3
Y:I know, but cars are so rigidly mechanical, you know, it’s like when we removed the horses to make horseless carriages; they took away the only intelligent part of the carriages! 我们用汽车代替马车,但是却卸下了马车唯一智能的部分。