释义 |
1 ?哈罗普 ... 哈罗努 jaronu 哈罗普 harrop 哈罗什 haros ... 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: ID 名字: Harrop 姓: Lyle ... 3 ?哈洛普 ... Rooney 鲁尼 Harrop 哈洛普 Mitchell 米切尔 ...
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The Aroma Company, which Mr Harrop founded, has put the smell of coconut into the shops of Thompson, a British travel agent. 哈洛浦创建的Aroma[font=宋体](“[font=宋体]芳香”[font=宋体]之意)公司就把椰子味引入到英国的汤姆森旅行社里。 - 2
Simon Harrop, chief executive of BRAND sense agency, reckons the power of scents comes from their close association with emotion and memory. 品牌感觉代理首席执行官西蒙?哈罗珀断言气味的威力来自于他们与情绪和记忆紧密相连。 - 3
But the wafting bread aroma shows smell can usefully be stimulated too, says Simon Harrop, chief executive of BRAND sense agency, a British specialist in multi-sensory marketing. 不过,烘烤面包带来的芳香气味通常也会产生刺激,一家英国专业从事多感官销售的公司——BRAND感官代理首席执行官Simon Harrop表示。