释义 |
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Potassium iodide can be used to help protect the thyroid gland from radiation injury, but regular table salt doesn't contain enough iodine, according to health experts. 据卫生专家们说,碘化钾可以用于保护甲状腺免受辐射危害,但是日常使用的食盐并不包含足够的碘。 - 2
The salt-resistant characteristic which is adapt to poisonousness of salt hydronium, such as salt-gland, crystal cell, and soon. 适应盐离子毒害的抗盐结构特征。如盐腺、含盐液泡包、含晶细胞等。 - 3
Method By the combined Raven's Test in China, the children's IQ values were measured in ChongQing, the volume of thyroid gland. salt iodine and urinary iodine were measured at the same time. 方法采用《中国联合型瑞文测验》对重庆市小学生进行智商测定,并测定甲状腺、盐碘、尿碘,研究食盐加碘对智商的影响。