释义 |
1 ?棕色合剂 本品因呈棕色,故又名棕色合剂(Brown Mixture),以前曾有多种大同小异的处方被采用,自从中国药典(1953)定为法定制剂后,各地所用的处方已逐渐统一。法定处方如下: 2 ?复方干草合剂 ... carbetapentanetoclase咳必清 brown mixture棕色合剂,复方干草合剂 chloperastine咳平 ... 3 ?复方甘草合剂 ... tablets (pills,powder) 片剂(丸剂,粉剂) brown mixture 复方甘草合剂 sleepling pills 安眠药 ...
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Some were gray, others white, and still others a mixture of brown and black. 有些是灰色的,有些是白色的,还有一些是棕色和黑色的混合色。 - 2
Captured during the region's dry season, the picture shows a mixture of brown and green in the dune-free areas. 图片是在该地区的旱季拍摄的,在无沙地区呈现出混合的棕色和绿色。 - 3
Making them is similar to goji cake, except the dough and the mixture need to be baked for around 20 minutes until golden brown before being served. 它的制作方法和枸杞蛋糕类似,只是在上桌前,要将面团和混合物再烘烤20分钟左右。