释义 |
glamour 英/ ?ɡl?m?(r) / 美/ ?ɡl?m?r / - n.吸引力,诱惑力,魅力;迷人的美,奢华;<古>魔法,巫术
- v.迷住,迷惑
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艺术学 魅力 Music is one of the most important and the most glamour field of spirit in human life. It exists in all ways of social life and has huge function that anyone can’t ignore. 音乐是人类精神生活中的一个最重要的和最具魅力的领域,它伴随着人类的整个历史进程,渗透于社会生活的各个方面,产生了并且还在继续产生着不容忽视的巨大作用。 唯美 So this thesis mainly analyse the radical and pessimistic features of Shunji Iwai’s films, which is effected by the social environment, and this theses will discuss the glamour feature about the form of his films. 因此本文主要是从由于受社会环境的影响而带有的激进与悲观的特征这方面对岩井俊二影片的艺术特征进行了分析,同时也论及其影片在形式上的“唯美”。