释义 |
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Stephen G. Bowen of the Navy, a former submariner, and Piers J. Sellers, a British-born astronaut who arranged to carry a piece of bark from Isaac Newton’s apple tree into the weightlessness of space. 皮尔斯还肩负了一个特殊的任务安排:将一块取自艾萨克.牛顿苹果树的树皮,带入零重力的太空中。 - 2
Determining the hemisphere is easy: latitude zones a, C, d, e, F, g, h, J, K, l, and m are in the Southern hemisphere, and the rest are in the Northern hemisphere. 这种确定非常简单:纬度区a、C、D、E、F、G、H、J、K、L和m位于南半球,而其余区位于北半球。 - 3
J. M. Church, G. Balachnader, and three anonymous reviewers offered constructive comments. j·m·丘奇,g·布莱尺南达以及三位匿名评论者对本文亦有建设性的评论意见。