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布朗,乔治 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
She'd sound no less ridiculous than Charlie Brown or George W. — maybe this time it will be different. 她的声音听上去会比查理·布朗或乔治- W还要可笑——也许这一次会大不相同。 - 2
Mr Cameron and George Osborne, his shadow chancellor, lead Mr Brown and Alistair Darling, the underwhelming actual chancellor, on the key question of economic management. 在经济管理这一主要问题上,卡梅隆和其影子大臣乔治?奥斯波恩比布朗和未留下深刻印象、但名副其实的达林大臣占优势。 - 3
Two years ago, when Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown was unable to mention the word "cuts", George Osborne, the Tories' shadow chancellor, made a speech saying they were inevitable. 两年前,时任英国首相的戈登·布朗绝口不提“削减支出”一词,托利党影子内阁财政大臣乔治·奥斯本发表演讲,明确指出“削减支出”势在必行。