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交通运输工程 地层位移 The extending width of the settlement trough induced by the urban tunneling is a key issue in the ground movement prediction and the related risk management. 在隧道施工引起的地层位移预测与相关风险管理中,地表沉降槽的延伸宽度是一个重要的课题,也是进行沉降预测的主要参数之一。 地层移动 To reduce the adverse effects of surrounding environment induced by construction of the subway, we must effectively to predict the ground movement. The main content of the thesis is as follows:1. 为减少地铁隧道施工引起地层移动给周围环境带来的不利影响,必需对地层移动进行有效预测。
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土木建筑工程 土体移动 The influence of internal friction angle ground movement was taken into account. It was considered that the level obliquity about boundary line of the vertical ground deformation region should be 45° + 考虑土的内摩擦角φ对土体移动的影响,认为垂直土体变形区域边界线的水平倾角应等于45°+φ/2,而不是45°,提出了修正的Loganathan公式,首次提出了剪切扰动区范围的计算公式。 地基变形 地层位移 地层移动 地面移动