释义 |
1 ?全速工作 ... full-speed stages 全速机组 full-speed operation 全速工作 full field speed 全励磁转速 ...
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Our full range of engraving equipment, di needs of different industries, which feature is the speed of fast, high precision, performance stable to the cost low, the operation simple. 我公司雕刻设备品种齐全,满足不同行业的需求,其特点是速度快、精度高、性能稳定、运行成本低、操作简单。 - 2
In this paper, this algorithm is realized by making full use of fast plural matrix operation function of MATLAB, and the increase of that speed is also outstanding. 论文在MATLAB环境下,利用其快速的复数矩阵运算功能,实现了文中所提的分层前推回代算法,并取得了非常明显的速度效益。 - 3
In this way, regardless of the demand of production size, the fan will run at full speed, cannot adjust accordingly along with the change of operation condition, a large amount of energy wasted. 这样,不论生产的需求大小,风机都要全速运转,不能随运行工况的变化进行相应的调节,白白浪费了大量的能量。