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Their second phone P9522 is a full touch screen in candy bar form factor selling at around 600 euro, half of its first phone. 第二款是P9522,直板形式带全触摸屏,大约600欧元,前一款的半价。 - 2
People who view your slideshow on SlideShare can navigate from slide to slide, play the slideshow, view it in full screen, and download it in its original form. 在SlideShare上查看您的幻灯片的人可以在不同幻灯片之间切换,播放幻灯片,全屏查看幻灯片,还可以按原有格式下载它。 - 3
In a typical Lotus Notes application, when you want to edit a document, you place the form for the document in edit mode, displayed in full screen. 在典型的Lotus Notes应用程序中,当您需要编辑文档时,需要把文档的表单置于编辑模式下,用全屏显示。