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液压制动阀 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?液力制动阀 ... 起动阀套starting valve bush 液力制动阀hydraulic brake valve 阀盖valve cover ...
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Travel mechanism of each track consists of a variable two-speed piston motor, a planetary reducer and a parking brake, travel brake buffer valve is mounted on motor to reduce hydraulic shock. 每侧履带的行走机构由一个变量双速柱塞马达、行星减速器和制动器组成,行走制动缓冲阀与马达一体安装,吸收了行车时由于制动或载荷变化带来的液压冲击。 - 2
Failures which can be solved by minor adjustment on brake pump, wheel, steering hydraulic cylinder, and micro-valve, connect level, mast roller, steering axle, etc. are excluded. 像总泵、车轮、转向液压缸、微动阀、连杆、门架滚轮、转向桥等部位,只要靠紧固进行调整就能修理的故障。 - 3
Many Al or Mg alloy die castings, such as the auto wheel, the brake cylinder, the hydraulic valve, the actuator body and the heat exchanger, have been produced. 充氧压铸已在铝合金、镁合金压铸件的生产中得到应用,如车轮、制动器缸体、液压传动阀体以及热交换器等。