释义 |
举行招待会 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?招待 ... good reception 收听效果好 give a reception to招待, 欢迎 hold a reception举行欢迎会 ... 2 ?蔬菜水果商 专 题 栏 目 ... a warm reception热情的接待 give a reception to招待, 欢迎 8. astronaut n.太空人, 宇航员 ... 3 ?欢迎 招待, 欢迎 give a reception to 柏林欢迎卡 berlin welcome card ..
- 1
I'll give a prize to the best idea. Talking of good ideas, here's one to break the ice at a wedding reception. 我将奖励最佳主意。说起好主意,这里就有一个,能活跃婚礼气氛。 - 2
You give me a grand reception, which I feel was more than I was entitled to. - 3
Mrs Linton, recalling old times, would have me give you a cordial reception; and, of course, I am gratified when anything occurs to please her. 他终于说:“想起往日,林惇夫人要我诚意地接待你。当然,凡是能使她开心的任何事情,我都是很高兴去做的。”