Geographicinformationsystems (GIS) and online mapping applications continue to become more powerful and easier to use every year.
地理信息系统(GIS, Geographic Information System)与在线地图应用服务每年都在变得更强大和易于使用。
This diagram shows how to understand and invoke the findAddress function of the Address Finder web services provided by ESRI, the world-leading vendor of GeographicInformationSystems (GIS) software.
此关系图显示了如何理解和调用ESRI提供的Address Finder Web服务的findaddress函数,ESRI是一家全球领先的地理信息系统(GIS)软件供应商。
This research made use of the structured query language (SQL) of the GeographicInformationSystems (GIS) to evaluate the soil liquefaction analysis.