法国最早的廉价报纸是1836年埃米尔?吉拉尔丹(Girardin)创办的《日报》(La Press)和《世纪报》(Le Siecle),年订阅费仅40法郎。
... 所属州: TN 名字: Girardin 姓: A ...
乔丹庄园 ; 文森乔丹
乔丹酒庄 ; 乔丹庄园
Thomson Reuters spokesman David Girardin declined to elaborate Monday on why Keys was no longer employed.
WSJ: Reuters editor charged with hacking: I was fired
He was suspended with pay late Thursday, said Reuters spokesman David Girardin, who did not elaborate.
WSJ: LA Times hack: Security breach or harmless prank?
Reuters spokesman David Girardin said Keys began working for the company in 2012 and it was "aware" of the indictment.
WSJ: Reuters journalist charged with hacking conspiracy