释义 |
1 ?乔尔乔·瓦萨里 著名传记作家乔尔乔·瓦萨里 (Giorgio Vasari) 指出:“他还临摹古典大师的画作。复制品惟妙惟肖,真假难辨,因为他对画纸烟熏、着色,使其看起来颇有年头。 2 ?瓦萨里 一代之后的乔尔乔·瓦萨里(Giorgio Vasari)作为为艺术家著书立传的艺术家,用自己的 文字给世人留下了不可磨灭的达·芬奇形象:“确实 令人钦佩,拥有神一般的天才。 3 ?瓦萨利 其时梅第奇家眷的至公爵柯西莫(Cosimo),下令著名都会策画家也是画家的瓦萨利(Giorgio Vasari),建一座能包容其家眷统统行政管事处的大楼。瓦萨利将此建的有十六世纪确当代气味,又能与其周遭十三世纪的文化品格相融合。 4 ?乔治瓦萨里 ... 乔尔乔瓦萨里 Giorgio Vasari 乔治瓦萨里 Giorgio Vasari 却克里王朝 Chakri-Dynastie ...
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Ever since 1550, when Giorgio Vasari published his lives of the Renaissance masters, artists have been a rewarding subject. 自1550年乔尔乔·瓦萨里出版《艺苑名人传》记述文艺复兴时期诸位大师的生活之时起,艺术家一直是一个回报颇丰的题材。 - 2
Giorgio Vasari in his Lives of the Artists (1550) rarely praises an artist except comparatively - to be good, in his book, is to be better than someone else. Giorgio Vasari在其《艺苑名人传》(1550年)很少赞扬某位艺术家,除非是相较之下比他人的较好。 - 3
The period had no Giorgio Vasari, the Renaissance artist who publicised the magnificent achievements of his contemporaries; his book, “The Lives of the Artists”, is still widely read. 这一时期没有乔治奥?瓦萨里这样的人物,这位文艺复兴艺术家传播了与他同时代的伟大成就;他的著作《艺苑名人传》至今仍被广为阅读。