释义 |
- adj.正式着装的,盛装的:指穿着正式礼服或盛装参加正式场合。
1 ?书籍 ... [Maobamboo]竹的一种,又叫南竹。通常高达二三丈,节间的距离较短。它是优良的建筑材料,也可用来制造器物 [full-dressed]书籍、本册不切边的装订 [Westerner]旧时对西洋人的蔑称 ...
- 1
The characters were dressed in full period costume. - 2
Instead, one activist, dressed in a full-body monkey suit, had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers: "Thanks for not using real apes!" 相反,一名全身穿着猴子套装的激进分子拿着赞扬制片人的标语到来,其上面写着:“感谢你没有使用真猿!” - 3
Quakers often dressed their "passengers," both male and female, in gray dresses, deep bonnets and full veils. 贵格会教徒经常让他们的“乘客”不分男女穿上灰衣服,戴上深沿帽,披着把头部完全遮盖住的面纱。