释义 |
1 ?全涂膜 ... 装满,充满 full charge 全涂膜 full coat 全高轮齿形 full depth tooth form ...
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Take all guile or crop straw left only for other science industry. We can cite more than and 40 wonderful sayings, that philosopher is wearing hole full coat. 狡诈诡计独吞了所有收获的谷物,只给其他科学行业留下麦秆。可以举出四十多句精彩的谚语,说明哲学家穿的是破洞百出的大衣。 - 2
The stripe coat must be applied prior to full coat on the erection joints, marker of tanks, water line, draft mark, ship name and port register etc of shell plate. 外壳上的焊缝、舱室标记、水线标记、水尺、船名、港籍名等每一度涂层施工前均要做预涂; - 3
The coat must be of one over-all color at the skin but may be of varying shades of the same color in the full coat, which may be black, blue, dark or light grey, silver platinum, fawn or cream. 皮肤被毛必须为一个完整的颜色,但可以有相同颜色的色调变化,可以为黑色、深色或浅灰色,或银白色,浅黄褐色或奶油色。