...统DSLR之后,日前在美国举行的资讯显示协会(Society for Information Displays,SID)会议上又传出消息,日本富士(Fuji Electric)已获得美国柯达(Kodak)公司的有机发光二极体(OLED)的技术授权,成为第15家获得柯达OLED技术授权的公司,柯达公司的OLED技术将用于...
FujiElectric Retail System Co. has developed a makeup vending machine that can not only talk to a customer but also features a camera that can help women choose what type of makeup suits them best.
Toyota plans to launch electric vehicles by 2012 in the U.S., while Fuji Heavy Industries, in which Toyota owns a 16% stake, launched an electric car in Japan last year.