释义 |
- (像九头蛇那样)多头的
- 多中心的
- 有许多问题(或困难)的
- 难消灭的
1 ?许德拉的脑袋 ... The hounds ofhell(邪恶) Hydra-headed(许德拉的脑袋) In the arms ofMorpheus(在摩耳甫斯的怀抱里) ... 2 ?多头的 ... 多分支制冷系统 multiple refrigeration system 多分支接续交叉连接 multi-drop-and-continue cross-connection 多头的, 多分支的, 多中心的 hydra-headed ...
- 1
There are many reasons leading to these problems and they are always hydra-headed and complex. - 2
IN GREEK legend, the hydra was a many-headed monster. If a head was severed, it grew back. 希腊神话中,许德拉是一头九首怪物,它的头如果被砍,马上就会长回;其实在某些故事版本中,会很快长出两个头。 - 3
Amongst these were slaying the many-headed Hydra, retrieving the Golden Apples of the Hesperides and bringing the hellhound Cerberus up from the Underworld. Heracles was also an Argonaut. 在这些行动中,他杀了凶残的九头蛇怪兽,偷了赫斯帕里德斯(译者注:传说中守护金苹果树的仙女)的金苹果.活捉冥府看门狗地狱之犬并从地府带了上来.海格力斯也是亚尔古的船员(译者注:去海外寻找金羊毛的古船).