释义 |
1 ?度假村 度假村 ( Holiday villages ),芬兰..
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We are going to the holiday villages. - 2
They are widely used in villas, apartments, bars, hotels, cultural and amusement places, holiday villages, yards and so on. 广泛应用于别墅、公寓、酒吧、宾馆、文化娱乐、度假村、园林庭院、大型楼盘等场所装饰。 - 3
Used in garrnt of high buildings, skyscrapers, hotels, skyscrapers, sports builds, gheme parks, TV station, Holiday villages, outdoor performances. 广泛用于电视台, 户外演出, 高层建筑, 体育馆, 大酒店, 公园绿地, 游乐园, 旅游景点。