释义 |
1 ?假日班 ... 假日 holiday 假日班;假日课程 holiday course 假期 vacation ... 2 ?假日课程 ... 假日 holiday 假日班;假日课程 holiday course 假期 vacation ...
- 1
I have to teach the same course books several times in the summer holiday camp, which is sometimes boring and not well-paid, but by and large, I am quite delighted in being with young people. 在暑假夏令营的时候,我不得不教好几遍同一门课的书。有时很无聊,报酬也不高,但总的来说,我很喜欢和年轻人在一起。 - 2
It wouldn't, of course; claims that a corporate tax holiday would create jobs, or that ending the tax break for corporate jets would destroy jobs, are nonsense. 当然是不会的。那些声称公司减税优惠就会创造工作岗位,或终止公司专用飞机减税优惠就会减少工作岗位的说法,纯属胡说。 - 3
In all my Thanksgivings away from home, I've felt the warmth (and, of course, the dysfunctionality) of this holiday. 在我远离家乡的的感恩节,这个感恩节我已经感觉到温暖(当然,功能紊乱)。