... 所属州: NC 名字: Holcombe 姓: Danny ...
简报技巧管理:传送和建构你的理念之策略 霍尔库姆(Holcombe,M.W.),斯坦(Stein,J.K.
何天爵 ; 切斯特·何尔康比
As Major Holcombe said, marriage counseling has become a key component of the California National Guard's mental health strategy.
NPR: War on Terrorism Takes Toll on Military Families
Starting in Holcombe, the trust joined with Wessex Archaeology and members of TV's Time Team to undertake excavations and survey work.
BBC: Somerset ancient churches to be excavated and surveyed
Work at church number one - St Andrew's in Holcombe - has recently ended with 18th Century skeletons, artefacts and medieval pottery being discovered.