释义 |
1 ?质地坚硬 ... 形状不一to be of different shapes 材质各异various materials 质地坚硬hard texture 造型生动vivid figure ...
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As jade is of hard texture, carving is not done with a steel graver, but with emery by way of grinding. 由于玉质地很硬,不能用钢质雕刻刀雕刻,用磨光的金刚砂来雕刻。 - 2
Generally speaking, kernels with high thousand kernel weight, high test weight, round or oval shape and hard texture might produce high flour yield. 一般而言,籽粒大、容重高、圆形或椭圆形且籽粒硬的小麦出粉率高。 - 3
If I concentrate really hard, the cloud kinda looks like a rabbit. Actually, now I'm seeing that rabbit, as the wind slowly morphs the cotton candy-like texture, it looks more and more like a rabbit. 我正从我的办公室窗户向外看去,看见一朵加利福尼亚特征性的孤零零的云,如果我注意力非常集中,这朵云有点象野兔,事实上,现在我正在看着那只野兔,当风慢慢地使棉花糖的质地变性后,云看起来越来越象一只野兔,象一只蹲着的野兔,在吃一束青草,那束青草正在那带绒毛的鼻子下边。