释义 |
- 1
"Then tell her," rejoined he, "that I spake again with the black-a-visaged, hump-shouldered old doctor, and he engages to bring his friend, the gentleman she wots of, aboard with him." “那就告诉她,”他接着说,“我又跟那个黑脸、驼背的老医生谈了,他保证要带他的朋友,也就是你妈妈认识的那位先生,随他上船。” - 2
Mulad was a tall, broad shouldered man with thinning salt and pepper hair, a goatee, and steel black eyes. Mulad是一个身材高大,肩宽阔背的男子,一头稀疏的杂灰色头发,山羊胡子,冷酷的黒眼睛。 - 3
Then tell her, "rejoined he," that I spake again with the black-a-visaged, hump-shouldered old doctor, and he engages to bring his friend, the gentleman she wots of, aboard with him. “那就告诉她,”他接着说,“我又跟那个黑脸、驼背的老医生谈了,他保证要带他的朋友,也就是你妈妈认识的那位先生,随他上船。”