释义 |
1 ?燃料辐照量 ... fuel expense 燃料费[用] fuel exposure 燃料辐照量,燃耗 fuel fabrication cost(s) 燃料制造成本 ... 2 ?燃料曝露 ... 燃料经验 fuel experience 燃料曝露 fuel exposure 燃料制造厂 fuel fabrication plant ...
- 1
The state ranks 47th for CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, 46th for toxic exposure, 47th for developmental toxins released, and 47th for reproductive toxins released. 在化石燃料燃烧CO2排放上排名47,毒素暴露排名46,发育毒素排放位于47位,生殖毒素排放排名47.此外。 - 2
TEPCO must have known, experts say, that the water was boiling and being turned into steam by the red-hot fuel rods, thus increasing the exposure of those rods to the air. 专家说,东电公司肯定已经知道水将会被红热的核燃料棒加热至沸腾并变成蒸汽,这就增加了它们暴露在空气中的可能。 - 3
The "Keystone State" ranks 48th in CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, 49th for particulates in the air, and 49th for toxic exposure. 拱心石之州在化石燃料燃烧产生CO2上排名48,可吸入颗粒排名49,毒素暴露位居49。