释义 |
1 ?黑锡 ... 100% het female also 带焦糖白化基因母 Black pewter 黑锡 Spinner (spider pinstripe) 蜘蛛细纹 ...
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Color options are black, red, and the Pewter seen in the earlier photos. - 2
Such pewter, also called black metal, darkened greatly with AGE, and the lead readily leached out in contact with acidic foods. 这样的白镴,也叫做黑金属,因为铅和酸性食物接触容易流失,白镴随着年月会变得很暗。 - 3
Elasticated black fishnet, encrusted with a galaxy of Olive crystals, between bat-tipped, pewter bars. 有弹力的黑色渔网,镶嵌一系列黄绿色水晶,中间的短棍材质为锡。