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您要找的是不是: TSCabbr. 彩色电视的双副载波系统(Two Subcar... 1 ?薄板坯连铸机(Flexible Thin Slab Caster) 继2002年唐钢薄板坯连铸机(FTSC)热试成功后,本钢、通钢也采用FTSC技术。唐钢FI,SC四孔型浸入式水口由意大利达涅利(Danieli)公司设计,上下 2 ?本钢薄板坯连铸 为解决本钢薄板坯连铸(FTSC)钢包回转台电子秤称量数据误差大、不稳定问题,分析认为原设计的钢包回转台电子秤的机械结构和称重传感器选型存在问题,通过进一步... 3 ?轧设备 ...炉3座,150t钢包精炼炉2座,VD精炼炉1座,1台8机8流小方坯连铸机、1台双机双流常规板坯连铸机和2台单机单流薄板坯连铸连轧设备(FTSC),目前通 4 ?坯铸机 【正文快照】: 本钢炼钢厂薄板坯铸机(FTSC)是从达涅利引进的,自投产以来,现已开发了从超低碳钢、低碳钢、中碳钢、包晶钢、高碳钢到低合金钢等钢种。
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By tracer method, the inclusion behavior during FTSC (flexible thin slab casting) thin slab casting was studied. - 2
The production and technical situation of thin slab continuous casting with FTSC process in Tang Steel are introduced briefly. 简要介绍了唐钢FTSC工艺薄板坯连铸的生产技术情况。 - 3
The characteristics of fluid flow in the mold with the four-port SEN of FTSC have been studied and the influence of SEN on the level fluctuation is investigated by using water modeling method. 以我公司设计的双流板坯连铸机中间罐为模拟研究对象,应用水力学模拟和数值模拟方法研究了钢液在中间罐内的流动,分析了不同尺寸夹杂物在钢液内的运动轨迹及排除效果。