释义 |
1 ?生姜皮 ... 白茶生姜 white tea and ginger 生姜皮 ginger peel 生姜根 Ginger Root ... 2 ?姜皮 ... wild ginger 杜衡 ginger peel 姜皮 mixed ginger 什锦姜 ...
- 1
Boil up some water with 1 slice of ginger, 1 spring onion, tangerine peel and star anise. Bring to boil. 在锅内放入适量之水、姜1片、葱1条、陈皮、八角煮滚,下鸭脷煮腍,约煮25分钟,取起鸭脷及陈皮。 - 2
Add spices like rosemary, ginger, orange peel, or cloves to make the scent a little more complex, and put the jar in a cool dark place for one month. 加入一些调料如迷迭香、生姜、橘皮、或者丁香,让香气更加复杂。然后把瓶子放到冷暗处一个月。 - 3
Ingredients: cinnamon, dried tangerine peel, star anise, licorice, fennel, dried ginger and so on.