吉尔伯特和乔治(Gilbert and George)这个英国当代艺术史上合作最长的艺术家组合,这对行为和艺术都极具戏剧色彩的生活伙伴,在1993年中国个展后,就从中国观众的视野...
那年9 月,我和英国艺术家组合吉尔伯特与乔治(Gilbert and George)一同参加了他们在国家美术馆的开幕式。
英国馆在本届双年展邀请「新英国雕塑(New British Sculpture)的代表人物双人组纪伯与乔治(Gilbert and George)为国家馆艺术家。
? 吉伯特与乔治(Gilbert and George),艺术家双人组合 ? 麦克?李(Mike Leigh),电影导演
From Grace Jones to Lady Gaga, from Andy Warhol to GilbertandGeorge, from Paul Auster to David Foster Wallace, its influence has been everywhere and continues.
The artists GilbertandGeorge spent nearly a tenth of the Tate Gallery's annual entertainment budget during a single boozy 1970s lunch with curators, archive material shows.
Cavs owner Dan Gilbert went ballistic, fans burned his jersey and then turned LeBron's return last week with the Miami Heat into an insult-fest akin to a George W. Bush visit to Berkeley.